Investigate the Source
Don't look to the source itself to determine its reliability; look at what the web is telling you about the source.
Two moves
Practice your skills
Check out both of these news reports and answer the questions below.
Determining Expertise
When sources quote experts, it can be helpful to do your investigation
Think about the type of expertise the person is presented as having, and then use your tools to see if you can find evidence of that expertise.
Types of Expertise:
Practice your skills:
Here's an article by a guest author, Myles Allen, arguing that climate change is incredibly serious but that the way some activists are talking about the recent IPCC report (considered to be the scientific consensus on global warming) is at times alarmist. We are going down a very dangerous road if we don't act on climate change now, Allen agrees, but he also says the idea that most people will feel world-ending impacts in twelve years is not supported.
The Problem With Claiming We Have "12 Years to Climate Breakdown" | RealClearScience
Allen is not a reporter but instead is presented as an expert. Check out his expertise by doing a Wikipedia search on his name.
Is he well qualified to write this article? Why or why not?
(Again, remember it's not about whether you think he is right or wrong here. We just want to know if his opinion here is worth considering and why.)
Practice your skills:
Here's a summary of a report from an organization called Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. They want to eliminate smoking worldwide.
For this example, do a Google News search on the foundation name.