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SIFT: Evaluating Online Sources

Finding trusted coverage

Find Trusted Coverage

We're often more interested in the story itself rather than the source it's found in. When that's the case, it's best to look for trusted reporting or analysis. For particularly complex topics, you may want to look at multiple sources to determine what the consensus is.

News aggregators (like the ones listed below) collect news stories from multiple sources. They're a great place to find trusted coverage and multiple sources (though you will likely still want to investigate the sources you find there). 

Practice click restraint. Scan through results before you decide which stories you want to click on. Not everything that comes up in a news search will be credible, and you also want to get a sense of the overall picture before you click through to a specific article.



If you're having a hard time finding conclusive coverage on a story, you may want to see if anyone has done a fact-check by adding the words [fact check] to your search. You can also look on a fact-checking site.


Practice your skills

Take a look at this story about a rat eating cash in an ATM in India

Rat Dies After Gorging On Cash While Stuck In ATM

We could look and see if "" is trustworthy, but in this case that's not really what we care about. We just want to know if this story been reported by reputable sources.

Go to Google News search and see if other sites are reporting this. If there are other sites, choose the site you feel is the best source for this story. If it does not appear to be true, explain how you came to that conclusion.



Reverse Image searching

Reverse Image Searching